Men's Yoga Group
Thursday, 20:30-21:30, The Tree Room, Colchester CO1 1JR
Service Description
A class focused on improving mobility, flexibility, strength building and mental awareness. Yoga is often seen as an activity for women and it can be intimidating for men to step into a studio full of flexible women able to get into advanced postures, this class aims to create a safe and encouraging space for men to come and practice yoga without fear of judgement. This will be a class accessible for complete beginners and more experienced practitioners.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Rescheduling and cancelling of sessions booked is allowed up to 24 hours before a class. Rescheduling and cancelling of special events, retreats and workshops is allowed up to 48 hours before the event. Refunds and the opportunity to schedule will not be offered if the time frame has passed. Class Passes must be used within the allotted time frame. Unless in extreme circumstances and at Shane Alan Yoga's discretion, no extensions or extra session will be added to your pass if you fail to use the classes before the class expires.
Contact Details
The Old Joinery, Maldon Road, Birch, Colchester CO2 0LT, UK