Embracing Winter Yin Yoga
Get cosy and snuggle down to slow down
Service Description
Embrace the beginning of winter with a soothing Yin Yoga session that encourages surrender and slowing down. Create your nest with supports and blankets and gently move from one posture to the next. You’ll be brought back to reality with the smell of hot chocolate and other refreshments.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Rescheduling and cancelling of sessions booked is allowed up to 24 hours before a class. Rescheduling and cancelling of special events, retreats and workshops is allowed up to 48 hours before the event. Refunds and the opportunity to schedule will not be offered if the time frame has passed. Class Passes must be used within the allotted time frame. Unless in extreme circumstances and at Shane Alan Yoga's discretion, no extensions or extra session will be added to your pass if you fail to use the classes before the class expires.
Contact Details
The Tree Room - Yoga + Holistic Centre, Trinity Street, Colchester, UK